Utility organizations use their 2-way radios to communicate efficiently via voice between their teams.
TABLETmedia’s products enable the same devices to also improve the efficiency of their operations while improving employee accountability and safety.
In many cases, one server is all that is needed to interface to SCADA and other alarm systems, PBXes, and other capabilities.
We also help them stay safe during the day with WorkSafe.
Our server ties into SCADA, PLC, weather channels, and other sources. Notifications are then sent to:
The radio can also turn on pumps and other equipment by pressing dedicated buttons.
TABLETmedia’s cloud-based GPS solution makes it easy to track the vehicle location and run historical and other reports, which multiple users can access from any browser on any desktop or mobile device.
Through our telephone interconnect, we connect to the property’s VoIP telephone system to:
The quality of telephone calls is very clear and responsive, and typically, telephone callers are not even aware that they are talking to someone on a PTT device.
TABLETmedia’s console and thin clients allow traditional PTT-based dispatching to reach groups or individual radios from desktops or notebooks.
Additional features include tracking radios via GPS, activating and monitoring equipment via telemetry, handling telephone calls, and recording PTT calls.
Job Ticketing is about keeping track of tasks assigned to employees, which we handle via our browser-based job ticketing and webmail messaging solutions.
The typical functions supported include: