Webmail is a Gmail-like Browser Interface to Message Two-way Radios.
Webmail Interface
TABLETmedia's Webmail solution is a messaging and notifications interface accessible using the browser of any PC and mobile device.
When integrated into the tab of an Avtec Scount console, dispatchers can exchange text with radio users as well as send and manage alarms and other notifications.
- Standalone or shared operation over the network. Automatically adapts to smartphone browsers.
- Unlimited number of user logins with individual access rights.
- Standard features: global and per-user address books, distribution lists, pre-defined messages, folders, messages filtering, etc.
- Pooled radio support allows user to sign in with their unique ID.
- Seamlessly integrates TRBOserver mass notification, process control, video surveillance, and NOAA severe weather alert capabilities.
- Support voice notifications to radios, telephones, and PA systems.
- No client software with related updates and maintenance needs is required.
The interface for alarm management and notifications is fully customizable. It can also be handled via TABLETmedia's Process Control and Automation solution to display real-time meters, buttons, and charts.